Car Body Repairers in Castleford
Unit 5/A
Hightown Industrial Estate, Rhod
West Yorkshire
WF10 5LN
I picked up the car from the paint shop (sgr car body repair castleford) who not only did such crap, he destroyed the whole middle of the car because he unscrewed the sunroof and left it like that for 2 years, everything was flooded, imagine that he charged £ 1,000 for this crap, what do you think ? I'm opening a case but that's not all because he sold my second car 2 years ago and I haven't got the money for it yet, I'm posting this for everyone to be careful, unfortunately the car needs fully repainting!!!! Pictures available in fb search Martin Castelford
Martin Castelford - 27/12/2022 | report this review
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